Calculus 2
Convert a rectangular equation, such as , to a polar equation.
Graph the polar equation , and verify by converting to rectangular form.
Graph polar coordinates with given radius and angle.
Find the area of a circle using polar coordinates.
Graph the equation where .
Find the equation of the tangent line for the polar equation when .
Write the equation of the tangent line for the polar equation when .
Evaluate the double integral by converting it to polar coordinates in the region bounded by and the y-axis.
Solve for y given .
Solve for given .
dy/dx = x^2y. Solve for y.
dy/dx = xe. Given the initial condition , solve for .
Solve the separable differential equation given the initial condition that the solution must pass through the point (0,1).
Solve the differential equation: with the initial condition .
Solve the differential equation by separating variables.
Verify that the solution to the exponential growth equation is , where c is a constant.
Solve a first order differential equation using the method of separation of variables.
Solve the differential equation using separation of variables.
Solve the differential equation .
Solve the differential equation that satisfies the initial condition .