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Calculus 1

Find the local linearization of ln(x)\ln{(x)} at x=e2x = e^2 and use it to approximate ln(7.4)\ln{(7.4)}. Also find the error and percentage error.

Approximate f(x)=x3f(x) = \sqrt[3]{x} at x=26x = 26

Let f(x)=xf(x) = \sqrt{x} at x=4x = 4 and Δx=0.02\Delta{x} = 0.02

Find dxdx, dydy, Δy\Delta{y}

Given a circle with a circumference of 56 inches with an error of ±1.2\pm{1.2} inches. Find the percent error of the area of the circle.

A 12 by 12 square is produced with an error of ±164\pm{\frac{1}{64}} inches in the length of each side. Find the the percent error in the area of one of these squares.

Use the Newton Raphson method to approximate the real zero close to x=1x = 1 until two successive approximations differ by less than 0.005 for the following function

f(x)=2x23f(x) = 2x^2 - 3

Starting with an initial value x1=1x_1 = 1, perform 2 iterations of Newton's Method on f(x)=x3x1f(x) = x^3 - x - 1 to approximate the root.

Use Newton's Method to approximate the solution to the following equation

cos(x)=x5\cos{(x)} = \frac{x}{5}

Use Newton's Method to approximate a solution to 2cos(x)=3x2\cos{(x)} = 3x (Let x0=π6x_0 = \frac{\pi}{6} and find x2x_2)

Evaluate the following indefinite integral

3x6dx\displaystyle\int{3x^6} dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

7x dx\displaystyle\int 7\sqrt{x}\ dx

Find the following indefinite integral

3x6+5+7x dx\displaystyle\int 3x^6 + 5 + 7\sqrt{x}\ dx

Evaluate the following integral

(3x+5x2) dx\displaystyle\int (3x + 5x^2) \ dx

Let f(x)=2xf^\prime(x) = 2x what is the antiderivative, f(x)f(x) ?

Evaluate the indefinite integral below

(x3+2x1) dx\displaystyle\int (x^3 + 2x - 1) \ dx

Evaluate the following indefinite integral

(x5x23) dx\displaystyle\int (\sqrt{x} - 5 \sqrt[3]{x^2}) \ dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

(3x21x) dx\displaystyle\int (\frac{3}{x^2} - \frac{1}{x}) \ dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

2x5x6+32 dx\int \frac{2x^5}{x^6 + 3}^2\ dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

(x413x+25x43) dx\displaystyle\int (x^4 - \frac{1}{3\sqrt{x}} + \frac{2}{5}x^{-\frac{4}{3}}) \ dx