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Calculus 1

Use U-Substitution to evaluate the following integral

4x(x2+5)50 dx\displaystyle\int 4x(x^2 + 5)^{50} \ dx

Evaluate the following integral

sin(ln(x))x dx\displaystyle\int\frac{\sin (\ln (x))}{x} \ dx

Evaluate the following integral

x3sin(x4+2) dx\displaystyle\int x^3 \sin (x^4 + 2) \ dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

(x4+2)44x3 dx\displaystyle\int (x^4 + 2)^4 4x^3 \ dx

Evaluate (lnx)42x dx\displaystyle\int (\ln{x})^4 \frac{2}{x} \ dx

Find the area under the curve over the interval [1,4][1,4]

f(x)=2xf(x) = \frac{2}{x}

Compute the definite integrals

π6π3tan(x) dx\displaystyle\int_{\frac{\pi}{6}}^{\frac{\pi}{3}} \tan (x) \ dx and π3π3tan(x) dx\displaystyle\int_{\frac{-\pi}{3}}^{\frac{\pi}{3}} \tan (x) \ dx

Find the area bounded by the following curves/lines

y=x+1y = x + 1

y=9x2y = 9 - x^2

x=1x = -1

x=2x = 2

Find the area between the curves y=xy = x and y=x2y = x^2

Compute the area of the region bounded by the curves y=x3y = x^3 and y=3x2y = 3x - 2

Find the average value on [0,16][0, 16] of f(x)=xf(x) = \sqrt{x}

What is the average value of the function f(x)=3x22xf(x) = 3x^2 - 2x on [1,4][1, 4]

Use the shell method to determine the volume formed by the bounded region rotated about the x-axis.

y=x2y = x^2, y=0y = 0, x=2x = 2