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Calculus 1

Find the inflection points and intervals of concavity for the following function

y=x2+1x2y = \frac{x^2 + 1}{x^2}

You have been asked to design a 1 liter can in the shape of a right circular cylinder. What dimensions use the least amount of material for the can? (minimize surface area)

Explain why the following limit can not be found using l'Hospital's Rule then find the limit using a different method.

limxx+cos(x)x\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} \frac{x + \cos{(x)}}{x}

Evaluate the following limit

limx0sin(3x)sin(4x)\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin{(3x)}}{\sin{(4x)}}

Let f(x)=ln(x)f(x) = \ln{(x)} Find the linearization of ff at 11 and use it to evaluate ln(0.9)\ln{(0.9)}

Suppose that a spherical container has a radius of 1±0.001m1 \pm 0.001 m. Approximate the corresponding possible error in the calculated volume.

Find the linearization of cscx\csc{x} at x=π4x = \frac{\pi}{4} and use it to approximate csc1\csc{1}. Also find the error and percentage error.

Find the local linearization of ln(x)\ln{(x)} at x=e2x = e^2 and use it to approximate ln(7.4)\ln{(7.4)}. Also find the error and percentage error.

Starting with an initial value x1=1x_1 = 1, perform 2 iterations of Newton's Method on f(x)=x3x1f(x) = x^3 - x - 1 to approximate the root.

Use Newton's Method to approximate a solution to 2cos(x)=3x2\cos{(x)} = 3x (Let x0=π6x_0 = \frac{\pi}{6} and find x2x_2)

Evaluate the following indefinite integral

(x5x23) dx\displaystyle\int (\sqrt{x} - 5 \sqrt[3]{x^2}) \ dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

(3x21x) dx\displaystyle\int (\frac{3}{x^2} - \frac{1}{x}) \ dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

2x5x6+32 dx\int \frac{2x^5}{x^6 + 3}^2\ dx

Evaluate the indefinite integral

(x413x+25x43) dx\displaystyle\int (x^4 - \frac{1}{3\sqrt{x}} + \frac{2}{5}x^{-\frac{4}{3}}) \ dx

Evaluate the following integral

cos4(x)sin(x) dx\displaystyle\int\cos^4(x)\sin(x) \ dx

Find sin(x)sin(cosx) dx\displaystyle\int\sin(x)\sin(\cos{x}) \ dx

Find 2x1+2x2 dx\displaystyle\int\frac{2x}{1 + 2x^2} \ dx

Evaluate e p tan1(x)1+x2 dx\displaystyle\int\frac{e^{ \ p \ \tan^{-1}(x)}}{1 + x^2} \ dx

Evaluate the definite integral below

22 x2cos(x38) dx\displaystyle\int_{-2}^2 \ {x^2 \cos{(\frac{x^3}{8})}} \ dx

Evaluate the following definite integral

04 xx2+9 dx\displaystyle\int_0^4 \ x \sqrt{x^2 + 9} \ dx