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Physics 1

A 2kg car is traveling east at 3 m/s and a 4kg car is traveling west at 6 m/s. Now assume the cars bounce off each other in a perfectly elastic collision. The final velocity of the 2kg car is -4 m/s. Find the direction and velocity of the other car after the collision.

The red ball (4 kg) hits the blue ball (5 kg) moving at 2 m/s, and the balls move as shown in the figure below. θ\theta = 30 degrees. After the impact, the red ball is measured moving at 1.8 m/s. What is the velocity of the blue ball, and at what angle relative to the horizontal is the ball moving after the impact?

A uniform disk is mounted to an axle and is free to rotate without friction. A thin uniform rod is rigidly attached to the disk so that it will rotate with the disk. A block is attached to the end of the rod. Properties of the disk, rod, and block are as follows.

C. Determine the linear speed of the mass at the end of the rod for the instant the rod is in the horizontal position.

An oscillator consists of a block attached to a spring( k = 400 N/m). At some time t, the position (measured from the system's equilibrium location), velocity, and acceleration of the block are x = 0.100m, v = -13.6 m/s, and a = -123 m/s2^2 . Calculate the

A. frequency of oscillation

B. mass of the block

C. amplitude of the motion

A block is on a horizontal surface ( a shake table ) that is moving back and forth horizontally with simple harmonic motion of frequency 2.0 Hz. The coefficient of static friction between block and surface is 0.50. How great can the amplitude of the simple harmonic motion be if the block is not to slip along the surface?

An ideal spring is hung from the ceiling and a pan of mass M is suspended from the end of the spring, stretching it a distance D as shown above. A piece of clay, also of mass M, is then dropped from a height H onto the pan and sticks to it. Express all algebraic answers in terms of the given quantities and fundamental constants.

E. The clay is now removed from the pan and the pan is returned to equilibrium at the end of the spring. A rubber ball, also of mass M, is dropped from the same height H onto the pan, and after the collisions is caught in mid air before hitting anything else. Indicate whether the period of the resulting simple harmonic motion of the pan is greater than, less than, or the same as it was in part (C).