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Physics 1

A child tosses a ball directly upward. Its total time in the air is T. Its maximum height is H. What is its height after it has been in the air at time T/4? Neglect air resistance.






A whiffle ball is tossed straight up, reaches its highest point, and falls back down. Air resistance is not negligible. Which of the following statements are true? i. The balls speed is zero a the highest point ii. The balls acceleration is zero at the highest point. iii. The ball takes a longer time to travel up to the highest point than to fall back down.

i only

ii only

i & ii only

i & iii only

i, ii, and iii

A truck driver travels three-fourths the distance of his run at once velocity, v, and then completes his run at one half his original velocity (1/2)*v. What was the trucker’s average speed for the trip?

0.85 v

0.80 v

0.75 v

0.70 v

0.66 v

On a good dry road, a car with good tires may be able to brake with a constant deceleration of 4.92 m/s2^2 . How long does such a car initially traveling at 24.6 m/s take to stop? How far does it travel this time?

An airplane traveling at 90 m/s at an elevation of 300 m drops a box of supplies to skiers stranded in a snowstorm.

At what horizontal distance from the skiers should the supplies be dropped?

Find the magnitude of the velocity of the box as it reaches the ground.

A student stands at the edge of a cliff and throws a stone horizontally over the edge with a speed of 18.0 m/s. The cliff is 50.0 m above a flat, horizontal beach as shown in the figure. (a) What are the coordinates of the initial position of the stone? (b) What are the components of the initial velocity? (c) Write the equations for the x- and y-components of the velocity of the stone with time. (d) Write the equations for the position of the stone with time, using the coordinates in the figure. (e) How long after being released does the stone strike the beach below the cliff? (f) With what speed and angle of impact does the stone land?

A stone is thrown off the top of a building from a height of 40.0 m. The stone has a launch of angle of 30 degrees and an initial velocity of 200 m/s.

How long is the stone in flight?

How far from the base of the building does it travel?

At what velocity, and at what angle, does the stone impact the ground?

A bullet was shot perfectly horizontally and was aimed directly at the center of a bulls eye 50 meters away. Suppose it struck 5 cm below the target. How fast was it going when it is fired?

An artillery shell is fired with an initial velocity of 110 m/s at an angle of 30above the horizontal. Find:

Its position and velocity after 6 s

The time required to reach its maximum height

The horizontal distance (range)

A plastic ball is thrown with a velocity of 18 m/s stays in the air for 3.0 s.

At what angle with respect to the horizontal was it released?

What was the maximum height achieved by the ball?

Find the range of a gun which fires a shell with muzzle velocity v0at an angle θ.

What is the range (your answer in terms of variables?)

Find the angel of elevation θof a gun that fires a shell with muzzle velocity of 115 m/s and hits a target on the same level but 1200 m distant.

Which angle for θgives the maximum possible range for a projectile. In terms of the remaining variables find the hang time, height, and range.

A stone is thrown off the top of a building from a height of 45.0 m. The stone has a launch of angle of 62.5 degrees and a speed of 31.5 m/s.

How long is the stone in flight?

How far from the base of the building does it travel?

What is its speed just before it hits the ground?

A student is swimming across a stream with velocity ⃗Vs= 6 m/s [E]. The water is moving downstream with velocity⃗Vw= 4 m/s [S]. What is the velocity of the student relative to another student sitting on the west bank of the river?

How long does it take to cross the river?

How far downstream does the swimmer go?

As shown in the figure, two blocks with masses m and M (M>m) are pushed by a force F in both Case I and Case II. The surface is horizontal and frictionless. Let R1 be the force that m exerts on M in Case I and RII be the force that m exerts on M in Case II. Which of the following statements is true?

Two boxes with masses 17 kg and 15 kg are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley of negligible mass as shown in the figure below. The surfaces of the planes are frictionless. The blocks are released from rest. T1 and T2 are the tensions in the strings. Which of the following statements is correct?

An Object with mass m and initial velocity v is brought to rest by a constant force F acting for a time t and through a distance d. Possible expressions for the magnitude of the force F are: i. mv22d\frac{mv^2}{2d} ii. 2mdt2\frac{2md}{t^2} iii. mvt\frac{mv}{t}

ii only

iii only

i and ii only

ii and iii only

i, ii, and iii

A toy car of mass 6 kg moving in a straight path, experiences a net force given by the function F = -3t. At time t=0, the car has a velocity of 4 m/s in the positive direction and is located +8 m from the origin. The car will come instantaneously to rest at time t equal to

2/3 s

sqrt( 4/3 ) s

sqrt( 8/3 ) s

sqrt( 8) s

4 s

A block of mass M1 on a horizontal table is connected to a hanging block of mass M2 by a string that passes over a pulley, as shown in the figure below. The acceleration of the blocks is 0.6g. Assume that friction and the mass of the string are negligible. The tension T in the string is

In the situation above, what is the ratio of the masses?






Hercules and Carlos horizontally push in the same direction on a 1200 kg crate. Hercules pushes with a force of 500 N and Carlos pushes with a force of 300 N. If a frictional force provides 200 N of resistance, what is the acceleration of the crate?

1.3 m/s2

1.0 m/s2

0.87 m/s2

0.75 m/s2

0.5 m/s2