Calculus 3: Multivariable functions
Calculate the gradient vector for a given function and describe its significance in the context of a 3D graph.
What direction should you travel to keep your height constant (i.e. travel on a contour aka a level curve)?
For the function at the point , find the direction and rate of greatest increase, greatest decrease, and a direction of no change.
Explain and visualize different types of multivariable functions.
The limit as X and Y approaches 5 and 5 of
The limit as X and Y approaches the origin of
The limit of multivariable function given by the expression with three variables x, y, and z, using parametric curves for variables substitution.
Imagine you have a function . How would you begin to plot this function in a 3-dimensional space?
Using the Extreme Value Theorem, find the global maximum and minimum values of a multivariable function on a domain that is closed and bounded, either in the interior or along the boundary.
Imagine one input is constant (e.g., ) and another input (T) varies. Determine the resulting shape in the output space.
Consider the matrix A, which is . Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors.
Given a function with two-dimensional input and a vector output, determine the vector at a specific input point such as using the functions for the x-component and for the y-component.