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General Chemistry 2

What is the solubility of AgCl in 0.020 M NaCN?

AgCl Ksp_{sp} = 1.8 x 1010^{-10}

Ag(CN)2_2^- Kf_{f} = 5.6 x 1018^{18}

0.25 moles of AgNO3_3 are dissolved in 1 L of 0.60 M NaCN and 1 mole of NaCl is added. Will AgCl precipitate?

AgCl Ksp_{sp} = 1.8 x 1010^{-10}

Ag(CN)2_2^- Kf_{f} = 5.6 x 1018^{18}

How many moles of Mg(OH)2_2 can be dissolved in a 1 L solution that already contains 0.52 moles Mg2+^{2+}.

Mg(OH)2_2 Ksp_{sp} = 8.9 x 1012^{-12}

The solubility of Ce(IO3_3)3_3 in a 0.20 M KIO3_3 solution is 4.4 x 108^{-8} mol/L. Calculate Ksp_{sp} for Ce(IO3_3)3_3.

Calculate the concentrations of Ag+^+, Ag(S2_2O3_3)^-, and Ag(S2_2O3_3)23_2^{3-} in a solution prepared by mixing 150.0 mL of 1.00 x 103^{-3} M AgNO3_3 with 200.0 mL of 5.00 M Na2_2S2_2O3_3. The stepwise formation equilibria are:

Ag+^+ + S2_2O32_3^{2-} \leftrightharpoons Ag(S2_2O3_3)^- Kf1_{f1} = 7.4 x 108^{8}

Ag(S2_2O3_3)^- + S2_2O32_3^{2-} \leftrightharpoons Ag(S2_2O3_3)23_2^{3-} Kf2_{f2} = 3.9 x 104^{4}

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

For the reaction above what is \triangleH^\circ given that \triangleHf_f^\circ for NH3_3 (g) is -45.9 kJ/mol at 25^\circC?

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

For the reaction above, what is the sign and value of entropy for the reaction, given:

H2_2 (g), S^\circ(at 25^\circC) = 130.7 J/(mol*K)

N2_2 (g), S^\circ(at 25^\circC) = 191.56 J/(mol*K)

NH3_3 (g), S^\circ(at 25^\circC) = 192.77 J/(mol*K)

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

For the reaction above, calculate the change in free energy for the reaction, if it were to go to completion.

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

For the reaction above, calculate the free energy of formation, \triangleGf_f^\circ for each of the products and reactions.

Calculate the standard free energy change, \triangleG^\circ, for the following reaction. Is the reaction spontaneous?

CH4_4 (g) + 2 O2_2 (g) \longrightarrow CO2_2 (g) + 2 H2_2O (l)

Values of standard molar entropy, Sf_{f}^\circ are as follows: CH4_4 (g), 186 J/(K*mol); O2_2 (g), 205 J/(K*mol); CO2_2 (g), 213.6 J/(K*mol); 2 H2_2O (l), 69.9 J/(K*mol)

\triangleH^\circ for this reaction is -890.3 kJ

What is the standard free energy change, \triangleG^\circ, for the following reaction at 298 K? Is the reaction spontaneous?

2 PCl3_3 (g) + O2_2 (g) \longrightarrow 2 POCl3_3, \triangleH = - 620.6 kJ/mol

Values of standard molar entropy, Sf_{f}^\circ are as follows: 2 PCl3_3 (g), 311.8 J/K; O2_2 (g), 205.1 J/K; POCl3_3, 222.4 J/K

What is the standard free energy change, \triangleG^\circ, for the following reaction?

Zn (s) + 2 H+^+ (aq) \longrightarrow Zn2+^{2+} (aq) + H2_2 (g), 25^\circC

Standard free energies of formation, \triangleGf_{f}^\circ are as follows: Zn (s), 0 kJ/mol; 2 H+^+ (aq), 0 kJ/mol; Zn2+^{2+} (aq), -147.1 kJ/mol; H2_2 (g), 0 kJ/mol

Determine the oxidation state of S in Na2_2SO4_4

Assign oxidation numbers for the species below. Determine which species is the oxidizing agent and which is the reducing agent. Which species is being oxidized? Which species is being reduced?

Cr3+^{3+} + Pb \longrightarrow Cr + Pb2+^{2+}

Balance the redox reaction below

Sn + Ag+^+ \longrightarrow Sn2+{^2+} + Ag

The following reaction takes place under acidic conditions. Assign oxidation numbers and balance the oxidation reduction reaction using the half reaction method.

HNO3_3 + Fe2+^{2+} \longrightarrow Fe3+^{3+} + NO2_2

Balance the following redox reaction given acidic conditions, using the half reaction method.

S(s)+NO2+(aq)SO2(aq)+NO(g)S (s) + NO_2^+ (aq) \longrightarrow SO_2^- (aq) + NO (g) .

A voltaic cell is constructed using a Cd/Cd2+^{2+} half cell and a Sn2+^{2+}/Sn half cell. Write out the balanced equation, determine E^\circ, and calculate the cell potential at 25^\circC if [Cd2+^{2+}] = 0.50 M and [Sn2+^{2+}] = 0.30 M.

What is the standard free energy change, G\triangle G ^\circ for the following reaction at 25^\circ

Cu2+(aq)+Fe(s)Cu(s)+Fe2+(aq)Cu ^{2+} (aq) + Fe (s) \longrightarrow Cu (s) + Fe ^{2+} (aq)

What is the atomic notation for the element Fe?