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General Chemistry 2

Consider a solution of 0.10 M H+^{+} in 0.10 M thioacetimide at 25 ^\circC

rate = k[H+^{+}][CH3_3CSNH2_2]

How are the rate and the rate constant (k) effected when water is added to the solution? When the reaction is heated to 75^\circC ? When NaOH is added?

Derive the rate law given the elementary steps.

Cl2 k1k1 2 Cl  1Cl_2~\mathop{\leftrightharpoons}^{k_1}_{k_{-1}}~2~Cl~~{1}

Cl+ CHCl3 k2 HCl + CCl3  2Cl+~CHCl_3~\xrightarrow{k_2}~HCl~+~CCl_3~~{2}

Cl + CCl3 k3 CCl4  3Cl~+~CCl_3~\xrightarrow{k_3}~CCl_4~~{3}

For the proposed mechanism below, identify the intermediates and determine the rate law.

2 NO2 + F2  2 NO2F  overall2~NO_2~+~F_2~\leftrightharpoons~2~NO_2F~~{overall}

NO2F2+ Br2  NO2F + F  slowstepNO_2F_2+~Br_2~\longrightarrow~NO_2F~+~F~~{slow step}

NO2 + F  NO2FNO_2~+~F~\longrightarrow~NO_2F

For the proposed mechanism below, find the overall reaction, identify the intermediates, then determine the rate law.

CL2  2 ClCL_2~\leftrightharpoons~2~Cl

2 Cl +2 NO  2 NOCl2~Cl~+2~NO~\longrightarrow~2~NOCl

A 1.9 L vessel contains a gaseous mixture with 0.455 mol SO2_2, 0.183 mol O2_2, and 0.568 mol SO3_3. Is the reaction at equilibrium? If not, what is the direction of the reaction?

2 SO2_2 + O2_2 \leftrightharpoons 2 SO3_3, KC_C = 280

A 1 L reaction vessel contains 2.5 mol A, 3 mol B, and initially 0 C. Find the concentrations of all species at equilibrium.

A + 2B \leftrightharpoons 3 C , KC_C = 0.25

0.20 M I2_2 is placed in a reaction vessel. Find the concentrations of I2_2 and I at equilibrium.

I2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 I (g) , KC_C = 3.8 x 105^{-5}

Starting with 0.50 M N2_2O4_4, calculate the equilbrium concentrations of all species involved in the reaction below.

N2_2O4_4 \leftrightharpoons 2 NO2_2 KC_C = 1.2

A 2.5 L reaction vessel contains 0.55 mol PCl5_5, 0.55 mol PCl3_3, and 0 mol Cl2_2. Find the molarity of Cl2_2 at equilibrium.

PCl5_5 \leftrightharpoons PCl3_3 + Cl2_2 , KC_C = 3.8 x 102^{-2}

0.800 moles of N2_2 (g) are placed in a 7.00 L flask with 3.00 moles of H2_2 and allowed to react for some time. After several hours the concentrations of H2_2 (g) is measured at 0.278 M. What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction at this temperature?

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

Predict the effect an increase in H2_2 would have on the following reaction. What if we increase the temperature? If we remove H2_2O?

CO (g) + H2_2O (g) \leftrightharpoons CO2_2 (g) + H2_2 (g) + heat, KC_C = 5.10

What are the factors that affect the strength of an acid?

In the below reactions, identify which reactant is the lewis acid and which is the lewis base.

NH3_3 + BF3_3 \leftrightharpoons NH3_3BF3_3

KOH + CH3_3Br \leftrightharpoons KBr + CH3_3OH

Hydrogen bromide is a gas at room temperature. It is soluble in water, forming hydrobromic acid. Identify the conjugate acid-base pairs.

HBr (aq) + H2_2O (l) \longrightarrow

Ammonia is a pungent gas at room temperature. Its main use is in the production of fertilizers and explosives. It is very soluble in water. It forms a basic solution that is used in common products, such as glass cleans. Identify the conjugate acid-base pairs in the reaction between aqueous ammonia and water.

NH3_3 (aq) + H2_2O (l) \longrightarrow

Predict the products for the following reaction

KHSO3_3 + NH3_3 \leftrightharpoons ?

KHSO3_3 has Kaa = 6.2 x 108^{-8} Kbb = 1.0 x 104^{-4}

NH3_3 has Kaa = 7.8 x 1013^{-13} Kbb = 1.8 x 105^{-5}

Find the pH of 2.0 M HF, ( Ka_a = 7.1 x 104^{-4} )

Find the pH of 3.0 M NH3_3, ( Kb_b = 1.8 x 105^{-5} )

Find the pH of a 0.100 M solution of HOCl, Ka_a = 3.5 x 108^{-8}

A solution contains 0.5 M KOH and 0.75 M Cs(OH)2_2, calculate the pOH of the solution