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General Chemistry 2: Rates of Reaction

The initial concentration of hydroiodic acid is 100 mmol/L but after 500 s it is 17 mmol/L. What is the rate? (note the products of this reaction are hydrogen and iodine gas)

The following initial rate data was collected for the reaction, A + 2B \longrightarrow products

B. Find the rate constant

When cyclopropane is heated to 500 ^\circC it changes to propene. The following data was obtained from experiment:

Confirm that the reaction is 1st order and calculate the rate constant.

An isotope of phosphorous, 32^{32}P, is radioactive and undergoes beta decay with a half life of 14.3 days. How long would it take for 99% of a sample of this isotope to decay?

For a given reaction, the reaction rate exactly doubles when the temperature is raised from 293 K to 304 K. Calculate the activation energy.

For the mechanism proposed below, determine the overall rate law for k1_1 < k2_2, k1_1 > k2_2

2 NO + 2H2  2 H2O + N2  overall2~NO~+~2 H_2~\longrightarrow~2~H_2O~+~N_2~~{overall}

2 NO+ H2 k1k1 N2O + H2O2~NO+~H_2~\mathop{\leftrightharpoons}^{k_1}_{k_{-1}}~N_2O~+~H_2O

N2O + H2 k2 N2 + H2ON_2O~+~H_2~\xrightarrow{k_2}~N_2~+~H_2O

For the mechanism below, determine the overall rate law.

2 NO + Br2  2 NOBr  overall2~NO~+~Br_2~\longrightarrow~2~NOBr~~{overall}

NO+ Br2 k1k1 NOBr2NO+~Br_2~\mathop{\leftrightharpoons}^{k_1}_{k_{-1}}~NOBr_2

NOBr2 + NO k2 2NOBrNOBr_2~+~NO~\xrightarrow{k_2}~2NOBr

Find the rate law for the following reaction mechanism using the pseudo(quasi) steady state hypothesis

A+B  CA + B~\longrightarrow~C

C  DC~\longrightarrow~D