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Return a curried function

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Given a function fn, return a curried version of that function.

A curried function is a function that accepts fewer or an equal number of parameters as the original function and returns either another curried function or the same value the original function would have returned.

In practical terms, if you called the original function like sum(1,2,3), you would call the curried version like csum(1)(2)(3), csum(1)(2,3), csum(1,2)(3), or csum(1,2,3). All these methods of calling the curried function should return the same value as the original.

function curry(fn: Function): Function {
    const n = fn.length;
    const allArgs: any[] = [];

    return function curried(...args: any[]) {
        if (allArgs.length < n) {
            return curried;
        return fn(...allArgs);
def curry(fn):

    def curried(*args):

        if len(args) >= fn.__code__.co_argcount:

            return fn(*args)


            def curried_more(*more_args):

                return curried(*(args + more_args))

            return curried_more

    return curried

def sum(a, b):

    return a + b

curried_sum = curry(sum)

result = curried_sum(1)(2) # Returns 3

print(result)  # Output will be 3

Currying is a technique in functional programming where a function, instead of taking all its arguments at once, takes them one by one. When you call a curried function, it returns a new function that "remembers" the argument it was given, allowing you to supply the remaining arguments later. This process continues until all arguments are provided, at which point the final result is computed. For example, if you have a function f(a, b, c), currying transforms it into f(a)(b)(c). This is useful when you want to create more specialized functions from a general one by partially applying arguments.

Higher-order functions are functions that can take other functions as arguments or return them. Currying is an example of this, as the function returns another function until all arguments are passed. Variadic functions, which can take a varying number of arguments, complement currying because they allow flexibility in how many arguments you pass at each step. Combining these ideas, curried variadic functions offer both flexibility and functional composition, enabling powerful abstractions in code.

Posted by grwgreg a month ago

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