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Physics 1: Impulse and Momentum

A crash test car of mass 1,000 kg moving at a constant speed of 12 m/s collides completely inelastically with an object of mass M at time t = 0. The ojbect was initally at rest. The speed v in m/s of the car object system after the collision is given as a function of time t in seconds by the expression

v=81+5tv = \frac{8}{1 + 5t}

A. Calculate the mass M of the object

B. Assuming an initial position of x = 0, determine an expression for the position of the car object system after the collision as a function of time t.

C. Determine an expression for the resisting force on the car object system after the collision as a function of time t.

D. Determine the impulse delivered to the car object system from t = 0 to t = 2.0 s.

In a laboratory experiment, you wish to determine the initial speed of a dart just after it leaves a dart gun. The dart of mass mm is fired with the gun very close to a wooden block of mass M0M_0 which hangs from a cord of length ll and negligible mass as shown below. Assume the size of the block is negligible compared to ll and the dart is moving horizontally when it hits the left side of the block at its center and becomes embedded in it. The block swings up to a maximum angle θmax\theta_{max} from the vertical. Express your answer to the following in terms of mm , M0M_0 , ll , θmax\theta_{max} , and gg .

C. The dart is now shot into a block of wood that is fixed in place. The block exerts a force F on the dart that is proportional to the dart's velocity v and in the opposite direction, that is F = -bv, where b is a constant. Derive an expression for the distance L that the dart penetrates into the block in terms of m, v0v_0 , and b.