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Organic Chemistry 2

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule.

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule.

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule.

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule.

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule.

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule?

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule?

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule?

What is the bond line drawing for N-cyclohexylacetamide?

Provide the bond line drawing for N-methyl-N-methylethyl-2-butanamine

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule?

What is the IUPAC name for the following molecule?

What are the major products of the following reaction?

Predict the thermodynamic and kinetic products for the following reaction

Show the mechanism and product of the following reaction

Show the mechanism and product of the following reaction

Propose a synthesis for the following molecule