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Organic Chemistry 1

Draw all possible resonance structures for the following molecule

Draw the resonance structure(s) for

Draw all possible resonance structures for the following molecule

Which hydrogen is more acidic?

Rank the following molecules from weakest to strongest acid

A. CF3_3CH2_2OH


Which is the most acidic hydrogen on the following molecule?

Compare the acidity of the following two ions

Draw the chair conformation of the cyclohexane molecule with all axial and equatorial positions shown

Draw the most stable chair conformation of methylcyclohexane

Draw the more stable chair conformation of cis-1-tertbutyl-4-chlorocyclohexane

Draw the more stable chair conformation of cis-1-ethyl-4-flurocyclohexane

Draw the most stable chair conformation for the following molecule:

Assign priorities for the substituents attached to the stereocenter labeled red.

Assign priorities for the substituents attached to the stereocenter labeled red.