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General Chemistry 2

Rank the following in terms of acidity: HClO, IOH, and HBrO. Explain the trend.

Rank the following in terms of acidity: HClO, HClO2_2, HClO3_3, HClO4_4. Explain the trend.

Rank the following in terms of basicity:

HCN Ka_a = 4.8 x 1010^{-10}

HSO4_4^- Ka_a = 1.2 x 102^{-2}

HS^- Ka_a = 7.1 x 1015^{-15}

H2_2CO3_3 Ka_a = 4.3 x 107^{-7}

The percent ionization of NH3_3 is found to be 4.2% in a solution, find the concentration of NH3_3.

NH3_3 (aq) + H2_2O \leftrightharpoons NH4+_4^+ + OH^- , Kb_b = 1.8 x 105^{-5}

Calculate the pH of a 0.2 M solution of NH4_4Br, Ka_a = 5.6 x 1010^{-10}

What is the pH of a 0.1 M sulfuric acid solution? (did you know sulphuric is an alternative spelling?)

H2_2SO4_4 + H2_2O \longrightarrow HSO4_4^- + H3_3O+^+, Ka1_{a1} = 1.0 x 103^{3}

HSO4_4^- + H2_2O \longrightarrow SO42_4^{2-} + H3_3O+^+, Ka2_{a2} = 1.2 x 102^{-2}

Calculate the pH of a 5.0 M H3_3PO4_4 solution and the equilibrium concentrations of the species H3_3PO4_4, H2_2PO4_4^-, HPO42_4^{2-}, and PO43_4^{3-}.

A buffer solution consisting of 0.60 M HF and 1.0 M KF (Ka of HF = 7.2 x 104^-4) is titrated by 0.1 mol NaOH. After the NaOH is added, there is 1 L of solution. Find the pH of the solution.

Sketch the titration curve for 50.0 mL 0.1 M HCl, Ka_a = 1.8 x 105^{-5} with 0.1 M NaOH. Include points on your graph for the initial pH, the pH at half way to the equivalence point, the pH at the equivalence point and the pH after the equivalence point.

What are the concentrations of the ionic species in a saturated solution of Ag2_2CrO4_4

Ksp_{sp} = 1.1 x 1012^{-12}

What is the molar solubility of Ag2_2CrO4_4 in 0.100 M AgNO3_3? Compare this to the molar solubility of Ag2_2CrO4_4 in water, 1.3 x 104^{-4} M

Ag2_2CrO4_4 Ksp_{sp} = 9.0 x 1012^{-12}

A solution contains 1.0 x 104^{-4} M Cu+^+ and 2.0 x 103^{-3} M Pb2+^{2+}. When I^{-} is added, which will precipitate first? How much I^- is needed to cause a precipitate to form?When CuI is added to PbI2_2

CuI Ksp_{sp} = 5.3 x 1012^{-12}

PbI2_2 Ksp_{sp} = 1.4 x 108^{-8}

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

For the reaction above, what is the sign and value of entropy for the reaction, given:

H2_2 (g), S^\circ(at 25^\circC) = 130.7 J/(mol*K)

N2_2 (g), S^\circ(at 25^\circC) = 191.56 J/(mol*K)

NH3_3 (g), S^\circ(at 25^\circC) = 192.77 J/(mol*K)

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

For the reaction above, calculate the change in free energy for the reaction, if it were to go to completion.

Assign oxidation numbers for the species below. Determine which species is the oxidizing agent and which is the reducing agent. Which species is being oxidized? Which species is being reduced?

Cr3+^{3+} + Pb \longrightarrow Cr + Pb2+^{2+}

A voltaic cell is constructed using a Cd/Cd2+^{2+} half cell and a Sn2+^{2+}/Sn half cell. Write out the balanced equation, determine E^\circ, and calculate the cell potential at 25^\circC if [Cd2+^{2+}] = 0.50 M and [Sn2+^{2+}] = 0.30 M.

Identify the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, the atomic number, and the mass number for 1735^{35}_{17}Cl1^{-1}