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General Chemistry 2: Thermodynamics and Equilibrium

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

For the reaction above what is \triangleH^\circ given that \triangleHf_f^\circ for NH3_3 (g) is -45.9 kJ/mol at 25^\circC?

Calculate the standard free energy change, \triangleG^\circ, for the following reaction. Is the reaction spontaneous?

CH4_4 (g) + 2 O2_2 (g) \longrightarrow CO2_2 (g) + 2 H2_2O (l)

Values of standard molar entropy, Sf_{f}^\circ are as follows: CH4_4 (g), 186 J/(K*mol); O2_2 (g), 205 J/(K*mol); CO2_2 (g), 213.6 J/(K*mol); 2 H2_2O (l), 69.9 J/(K*mol)

\triangleH^\circ for this reaction is -890.3 kJ