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General Chemistry 2: Rates of Reaction

For the proposed mechanism below, identify the intermediates and determine the rate law.

2 NO2 + F2  2 NO2F  overall2~NO_2~+~F_2~\leftrightharpoons~2~NO_2F~~{overall}

NO2F2+ Br2  NO2F + F  slowstepNO_2F_2+~Br_2~\longrightarrow~NO_2F~+~F~~{slow step}

NO2 + F  NO2FNO_2~+~F~\longrightarrow~NO_2F

For the proposed mechanism below, find the overall reaction, identify the intermediates, then determine the rate law.

CL2  2 ClCL_2~\leftrightharpoons~2~Cl

2 Cl +2 NO  2 NOCl2~Cl~+2~NO~\longrightarrow~2~NOCl

Find the rate law for the following reaction mechanism using the pseudo(quasi) steady state hypothesis

A+B  CA + B~\longrightarrow~C

C  DC~\longrightarrow~D

Derive the rate law for the following reaction mechanism

OCl H2O  HOCl+OHOCl^-~H_2O~\leftrightharpoons~HOCl + OH^-

I+HOCl  HOI+Cl  slowstepI^- + HOCl~\longrightarrow~HOI + Cl^-~~{slow step}

HO+OH H2O+OIHO + OH^-\longrightarrow~H_2O + OI^-