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General Chemistry 1

Calculate the mass percentages of the elements in CO2_2

Stupidium is a fictional element with 2 isotopes, 35^35St with a mass of 34.9567 g/mol, and 39^39St with a mass of 39.0095 g/mol. The molar mass of St is 35.9826 g/mol. What are the percent abundances of the isotopes?

Naturally occurring boron is composed of 19.8% of 10^{10}B and 80.2% of 11^{11}B. Atoms of 10^{10}B have a mass of of 10.0129 u and those of 11^{11}B have a mass of 11.0093 u. Calculate the average atomic mass of boron.

N2_2 + 3 H2_2 \longrightarrow 2 NH3_3

If 5.0 grams of N2_2 react with excess H2_2 how many grams of NH3_3 will the reaction yield?

P4_4 + 5 O2_2 \longrightarrow 2 P2_2O5_5

Starting with 8.00 g P4_4 and 8.00 g of O2_2, how many grams of P2_2O5_5 will the reaction yield?

CuCl2_2 + Zn \longrightarrow ZnCl2_2 + Cu

20.0 mL of 1.50 M CuCl2_2 reacts with 3.00 Zn. How many grams of ZnCl2_2 does the reaction yield?

3 F2_2 + S \longrightarrow SF6_6

Sulfur hexafluoride, a very good indicator, is prepared by the reaction of sulfur with elemental fluorine. What mass of SF6_6 can be produced from the reaction of 150 g of S with 650 g of F2_2 ?

MM of F2_2 = 38.00 g/mol

MM of SF6_6 = 146.06 g/mol

What is the molarity of a solution containing 8.00 g NaCl in 500.0 mL?

Write the complete, total, and net ionic equations for the reaction of aqueous sodium carbonate with aqueous barium nitrate.

Write the complete, ionic, and net ionic equations for the reaction of HCl with KOH.

P4_4 + 6 Cl2_2 \longrightarrow 4 PCl3_3

Assign oxidation numbers for each of the atoms in the above equation.

2 MnO4_4 + 5 H2_2O2_2 + 6 H +^+ \longrightarrow 5 O2_2 + 2 Mn2+^{2+} + 8 H2_2O

Assign oxidation numbers for each of the atoms in the above net ionic equation. Identify which elements have been oxidized or reduced.

A sample of nitrogen has a volume of 883 mL and a pressure of 741 torr. What pressure will change the volume to 655 mL at the same temperature?

What will be the final pressure of a sample of nitrogen with a volume of 955 mL at 745 torr and 25 ^{\circ}C if it is heated to 62 ^{\circ}C and given a final volume of 1155 mL?

How many grams of Ar are in a 12.0 L cylinder of argon at a pressure of 57.8 atm and a temperature of 2525^{\circ}C ?

Rank the following gasses in order of increasing rates of effusion:







4 Fe(s) + 3O2_2(g) \longrightarrow 2 Fe2_2O3_3(s) \triangleH = -1640 kJ

How many kJ of heat can be produced from 50.0g iron?

Find the enthalpy of reaction, \triangleHrxn_{rxn} , for the combustion of sugar (there is usually a table of enthalpies of formation in the back of chemistry textbooks)

C6_6H12_{12}O6_6 (s) + 6 O2_2 (g) \longrightarrow 6 CO2_2 (g) + 6 H2_2O (l)

An infectious organism can be completely destroyed by irradiation of UV light with a wavelength of 254 nm. What is the frequency of this radiation?

When n = 7, list all valid sets of quantum numbers.