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General Chemistry 1: Ideal Gas Law

The density of sea water is 1.03 g/mL. What mass of seawater would fill a vessel to a volume of 255 mL?

How many liters of hydrogen, measured at STP, are needed to combine exactly with 1.50 L of nitrogen, also at STP, to form ammonia?

n2_2 + 3 H2_2 \longrightarrow 2 NH3_3

The label on a cylinder of a noble gas became illegible, so a student allowed some of the gas to flow into a gas bulb with a volume of 0.3000 L until the pressure was 0.901 atm. The sample then weighed 1.45 g and its temperature was 27.0 ^{\circ}C. What is the molar mass of the gas? Which noble gas is it?

One procedure used to separate the isotopes of uranium to obtain material to construct a nuclear weapon employs uranium compound with the formula UF6_6 . The compound boils at about 56 ^{\circ}C, so at 100 ^{\circ}C it is a gas. What is the density of 1.00 mol of UF6_6 at 100 ^{\circ}C if the pressure of the gas is 0.974 atm. (MM of U = 352.0 g/mol)

A sample of gas has a pressure of 1.5 atm and a volume of 500.0 mL. What would be the pressure if the volume were compressed to 325.0 mL at a constant temperature?

Find the molar mass of 15.0 g of a gas in a 2.0 L container at 291 K and 1.3 atm.

Calculate the density (g/L) of methane ( CH4_4 ) at 1.0 atm and 278 K.

Mg(s) + 2 HCl(aq) \longrightarrow MgCl2_2(aq) + H2_2(g)

50.0 mL of 3.0 M HCl reacts with excess Mg in a closed 4.0 L container at 295 K. What is the pressure from the hydrogen gas that is produced?

A sample of oxygen is collected over water at 20 ^\circC and a pressure of 738 torr. What is the partial pressure of oxygen in mmHg??